What technology did you learn to use? I learned a lot about how to use Blogger and its features in it. Although it is pretty generic. there are things like being able to embed videos into blogs, switching to HTML, and changing the background of the blog. Also, I've learned how to post a video and get the embed code. Without this, I would never have known what the option to copy the embed code does and how it is used. Finally, I learned more about CapCut than before. Even though I was already familiar with the app, there were things that I still wasn't aware of. Such as graphs for motion, graphs to edit color, and creating my own transitions. What did you learn about the process of putting a project together? Firstly, what I've learned about the process was the research and gathering of information. Next, would be the planning and formatting of the project before creating it. Also, the amount of time you'd have to give to create a good project. Furthermore, I've also...