Production Blog: capcut progress + my opinions

 As I continue to use capcut, the more I can learn how to use it. Despite using it often, there are still techniques and features in capcut I'm still not familiar with. But with this commercial, I can step out of my comfort zone and really understand the app. So, I'm really glad I was able to use capcut to edit my commercial. Personally, I get really nitpicky when it comes to things that I'm good at. So, it is really hard not to move on with the rest of my commercial when something doesn't seem right to me. However, I am getting better at just letting minor things go since I am getting close to finishing my commercial. Also, the due date is around the corner, so I do need to pick up the pace. With that, it will get more and more difficult to end it even if there are still a lot of features I didn't get to use. Hopefully, I get to use them in my other projects.

I find it crazy how there are some features only for "pro" members since there weren't any paid features before. However, it is probably due to the fact that there are more users on the app than before. Also, you can watch an ad to export it without having to pay, so that's good. Other than that, I love how easy and simple capcut can be used. I know all of my friends are using capcut too for that reason. Personally, I've used other apps to edit such as videostar, kinemaster, funimate, and many more. Capcut is, in my opinion, the easiest to use compared to the rest. Plus, it has very simple features and aesthetically pleasing transitions. When it comes to graphing my transitions, it's very simple to navigate to do so. Overall, I really enjoy editing on capcut more than any other and find it enjoyable to do despite this being an AICE class assignment.


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