Editing Blog: Second half


Today, I edited the second half. This consisted of the scenes inside my bedroom and the stuffed animals. When I was editing it, I remembered that I had to make the voices for the stuffed animals. Unsure of what to do, I listen to animal noises while editing. I tried to look for a good audio to use and take from YouTube... However, nothing I heard seemed good enough. So, I decided to make my own sounds, and it was amazing. But, it started to look a lot like a comedy rather than horror. Which brings me to my new dilemma. To be or not to be, that is the question.

Low key, doing a horror comedy would be kind of cute. So, the sounds of the stuffed animals talking were very deep, and demonic muttering that contradicts their appearances. I also made it so it was cursed, adding effects around the stuffies. Then, I added captions with the stuffies so the people who are watching can understand what the stuffies are saying. I decided to use another font for the captions since it looked, in my opinion, bad. Lastly, I added the background music I had to get. After all of that, I watched back the scenes. That is when I realized several errors in the clips I had. They were minor, but it would be better to redo them since I would already need to redo the scenes with the makeshift cheesecake.


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