For the movie intro, I have decided to work alone instead of in a group. There were a multitude of reasons why I decided to work alone. This happened because my friends in media studies already had the maximum number of people in their groups. Also, I didn't want to ask people I did not know. Another reason is that I was concerned about not participating enough to the point where I couldn't really talk about the contributions I made to the music video. Even though it may be more difficult since I will have to do all of the work. I think it will be alright since I have adapted to being by myself. Yes, I did want to work in a group, but there's nothing to it if everyone I know already has groups with the maximum amount of people. Besides, it will also give me more freedom when it comes to this and I will not feel awkward or self-conscious about my actions. Also, I'll be able to do my work without being held back or having to do someone's work. The more that I think about it, the good outweighs the bad in my opinion.
Sure, I could've worked with people, but that would be more tedious than working alone. I'll have to work with my teammates. Who would want to have to do things before the due date or break your back by carrying them to the finishing line?? No thank you, I'm good and I can carry myself until it's essay writing time. Seriously though, I hate it when I have to do everything by myself in a group assignment. Though it would be easier if I got trustworthy people as my group, you never know if they'll pull through. Besides all of that, working solo can really help me with independence and become more creative. As soon as I got instructions on how to do this, I immediately thought about how my intro would look like. If I were in a team, I would have to tone it down and come to an agreement with them on how it would look like. That's nice and all, but who would want to just come to a middle ground and not do what they want?
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