The Grand Finale
Hey pookies, here is my final update relating to my music video. As I recorded and edited this music video, I definitely a sense of accomplishment. From the clean transitions to the different shots I did, I felt proud. Especially since I knew the names of the different angles and shots. It definitely helped me in the long run, being able to know exactly what I wanted to do without searching up anything. Honestly, the way that my teacher made me learn the angles and shots helped me a lot. This is because I need to actually figure it out myself for me to learn things. If my teacher just showed me themself, I would definitely forget it after every class. With that, I ran with it and used it for my music video and the next project I would have to do.
Also, it was very fun to record with others, even if I had to do everything myself. Even though all of my friends are in groups, I'm glad I can do it by myself. It would've been hard for me to meet up with them and film. It also wouldn't have let me do things how I wanted to. I have also heard from my friends how they were irritated about certain things when they were working with their groups. So, I'm glad I didn't join up with anyone. However, I wouldn't decline if any of my friends were to ask if I could join their group next time. But, I wouldn't be surprised if I work on my next project alone. If I need a hand, I can always make my sister help me. She's basically all I ever go to for help.
As always, see ya in my next blog.
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