Title research: Silent Hill
Watch the Titles!
- What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?
Who directed the film, wrote the film, produced the film, executive produced the film, the executive producer, the producer, the names of the cast in the film, director of photography, production designer, editor, who the music is from, what the film was based on, creature designer and supervisor, costume designer, who did the casting, then the name of the film, the company that is producing this film, who's associated with the film, whose film it was, and who is the presentation of the film.
- What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
A dark and worn down jail, it looks abandoned. Some clips show creatures the camera seems to attempt to escape from as the title screen goes on.
- How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the ou
It incorporates the genre of horror by creating a chasing scene in the opening sequence with the creatures trying to kill them. It creates a rush of adrenaline and gets the viewers going.
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